Hall of Fame AF

Buzz Al-slurpn

Fast Reflexes

From Pond to Moon Dust, Hopping onto History.

Buzz Al-slurpn portrait

A Leap Beyond the Stars

Tadpole Dreams

In a lily pad far, far away, Buzz Al-slurpn was once just a tiny tadpole with a head full of dreams. Spending his days gazing at the sky from the murky waters of his home pond, Buzz wasn’t the strongest swimmer, nor the fastest hopper. What he lacked in froglet muscle, he made up for with an unshakeable will and a heart as vast as the cosmos. While his pond-mates played in the reeds, Buzz crafted makeshift rockets from algae and reeds, fueled by pure imagination and pond-scum. His motto, etched into the bark of the oldest willow, read:

“Leap high, land soft, aim for the stars.”

Academy to Apollo

As Buzz grew, his ambitions swelled like a croaking chorus at moonrise. He trained at the prestigious Amphibian Aerospace Academy, acing courses like “Advanced Lilypad Calculus” and “Interstellar Insect Identification.”

Unlike his peers, Buzz was inspired by the silent songs of the stars rather than the boisterous bellowing of the bullfrogs. His mentors saw potential in his pondering gaze and soon, Buzz became the first frog to be chosen for the legendary Apollo Ribbit XI mission, leapfrogging over more seasoned astronauts with his quiet determination.